My most sincere apologies for the lack of updates. I have good reason- it has been incredibly busy for both Tracy and me.
Tracy and I are to meet tomorrow to go over the new schedule. My hopes are to at least have one outdoor scene shot by the end of October, and many of the indoor scenes shot during the winter months. Any scene with major fight choreography will most likely be shot in Spring (the diner and the hotel). That’s the strategy, and the meeting will determine solid dates.
Thank you all for hanging in there. It will be worth it. I have mentioned before, I have seen the footage from the previous shoots and the photographic quality is staggering. I will try to get a sample to post so you can compare the difference.
In the meantime, the wonderful Darcy Matthews has been working on beadwork for Crowfoot’s costume (above left). She should have it finished up soon. Laron and Katherine have been rehearsing one of their scenes together, and we've been looking for a cool early '70's red restored muscle car and planning on how to shoot a driving car interior scene.
In anycase, thank you for hanging in there. I really appreciate your patience- it will be earned, I promise!!!
Writer/Director "Corner of the Mind's Eye"
Lost Skies Productions/Black Hawk Entertainment, Inc.