Again, a heart-felt thank you to everyone that showed up to our first Open Casting Call on May 6th.
Our Call Back session will take place on May 27th, tentatively 9am to 5pm. The location will be announced shortly. We will also contact each one of you privately no later than Saturday morning and provide you with sides. Please have the lines memorized.
Call-Back Notice for:Yolanda Arrey
Kosuke Aoki
Gregory Augustin
Lisa Briggs
Christina Cooper
Linda Eyring
Marlys Fladeland
Mark Green
Doug Guibord
Kelly Hiatt
Roger Hurst
Jenna Lisonbee
Allison McGowan
Bjorn Millom
Nichelle Moe
Niki Pace
Walter Platz
David Rasmussen
Patrick Ritter
Katherine Taylor
Laron Wilson
We will be running a 2nd Open Casting Call simultaneously. If you missed the first Casting Call, this is your chance to audition.
Any questions or concerns, please contact us at