LOSTSKIES.COM has been renewed. Those looking to jump on lapsed renewals will be met with disappointment. I’m planning on keeping this domain for a very, very long time.
I’ve been working furiously behind the scenes to jump-start my filmmaking efforts. Doing videos for my day job have kept my skills from growing cold.
Libby Lenan has graciously accepted my offer to create a video for her stunning single “Wilderness” (available on Spotify). She asked if I could record her covering a few songs for social media, to which I said “of course!”. She had worked with my old friends from ALSO SISTERS to create a video another of her songs, hopefully to be released soon.
I am teaming up with a few people to create a production house. I’m not ready to officially announce names yet, but it’s in serious works. We have a number of projects on the plate- a couple of minidocs, and a number of short films with a serious effort to create a feature film within a year or two. Two short films are greenlit-- and one, Bond’s Bail Bonds, is in full pre-production. I’ve began casting, but it will be led by my longtime collaborator Geoff Richards taking on the lead role of Frank Crandall, recovery agent.
The show will play out much like an updated 80s detective show with quirky characters and cartoon danger. I have three short episodes planned- and we are planning on doing this using an iPhone.
I have sung the iPhone’s praises before, but check out some examples of what can be done:
Ari Virem’s iPhone cinematography using the Moment animorphic lens.
Zach Snyder’s heavily stylistic Snow Steam Iron.
BRONCHO “Big City Boys” which utilizes a DOF adapter (much like my pre-DSLR days).
Feature films have been shot using the iPhone- the highest profiled are Sean Baker’s Tangerine and Steven Soderburg’s Unsane.
I’ve recently acquired a Zhiyun Smooth 4 and am planning on using an anamorphic lens adapter with it. We are currently location scouting and rounding out the rest of the cast.
It’s exciting fully coming home to what I love. I have put it off for so long, chasing other paths and finding that they lead back here.