It's been a while since I've had a chance to write in any of my blogs. Of course it always has to do with how busy my life has become. A giant chunk of my time goes to family- as it rightly should- but little ones always need to be watched like a hawk, and my wife's 60+ work hours makes my job as Mr Mom that much more important. The time I stole from sweet sleep to use for freelance was taking up everything else. And really, it wasn't fair to my clients or to my family... or to myself for that matter. Without going into too much detail, it caused too much friction with those I cared about most. It's time for a change.
So, I'm retiring from all forms of freelance. I have my sights on new interests that I hope that one day will evolve into new endeavors. But for now, time at home needs to be spent on home.
As for day job, that too is also changing. We've hired a new fantastic designer and my focus will now shift to all the back-logged video. Frankly, I'm excited for the opportunity.
With that, to get myself into the mode again, I've been looking again to Vimeo for inspiration... and I found it with this:
LONG LIVE THE KINGS - Short film documentary - from
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!