Working it out

Howdy Y’all!

My most sincere apologies for the lack of updates. I have good reason- it has been incredibly busy for both Tracy and me.

Tracy and I are to meet tomorrow to go over the new schedule. My hopes are to at least have one outdoor scene shot by the end of October, and many of the indoor scenes shot during the winter months. Any scene with major fight choreography will most likely be shot in Spring (the diner and the hotel). That’s the strategy, and the meeting will determine solid dates.

Thank you all for hanging in there. It will be worth it. I have mentioned before, I have seen the footage from the previous shoots and the photographic quality is staggering. I will try to get a sample to post so you can compare the difference.

In the meantime, the wonderful Darcy Matthews has been working on beadwork for Crowfoot’s costume (above left). She should have it finished up soon. Laron and Katherine have been rehearsing one of their scenes together, and we've been looking for a cool early '70's red restored muscle car and planning on how to shoot a driving car interior scene.

In anycase, thank you for hanging in there. I really appreciate your patience- it will be earned, I promise!!!

Writer/Director "Corner of the Mind's Eye"
Lost Skies Productions/Black Hawk Entertainment, Inc.

Working Towards Perfection

Rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals.

Laron and Katherine had met to rehearse a very pivotal scene - the introduction of Chloe - on their own at a park during the middle of the week, and then I met with them again at Black Hawk Studios on Saturday Morning to rehearse some more! We worked out timing, and our Executive Producer, Tracy Smith was on hand and helped finesse attitude of the characters much to my appreciation.

A new production schedule should be out this week.

Gearing Up for High Gear in High Country

Today at Black Hawk Entertainment, Inc. Studios was the first time that Corner of the Mind’s Eye lead actors Laron Wilson who plays Joseph Crowfoot, and Katherine Joan Taylor who plays Chloe Saddler, actually got to work together. The scenes sizzled.

We started today's rehearsal at 8:00am with supporting actor Chris Harvey in the Diner hold up scene… Chris was convincing as a startled thug holding a screaming Chloe and dealing with the heroic Crowfoot. We worked on the dramatic tension and Crowfoot’s demeanor. We did not pull any stunts, though, without our stunt coordinator there… but it was all the stuff in between. I was running late this morning and forgot the props, but we substituted with remotes and phones, as you can see Chris menacingly threatening to turn Laron off permanently.

After that, we went out to the studio’s backlot. Chris helped with lines as I ran the Canon XL-1 to capture their performance of the scene that immediately follows the diner hold up. Chloe tries to convince Crowfoot to let her tag along.

Although I’ve been told that script directing (meaning writing in notes of how the characters should act at a certain point in a scene) is frowned upon by many “professionals” … I have found that it really helps staging a scene and reminding me of the tempo and heat of the scene. It was great fun and Chris came up with some fantastic suggestions that helped augment the relative fun and quirkiness of the scene.

What fantastic chemistry Laron and Katherine have. I can’t wait to see this scene come together when we head out to the Diner location in the beautiful Uinta Mountains on the Utah-Wyoming border in a few weeks. If we hit it right, we might just get some outragious fall colors.

We will have more rehearsals in the coming weeks to keep the juices flowing. We’re doing good.

Writer/Director “Corner of the Mind’s Eye”
Lost Skies Productions/Black Hawk Entertainment, Inc.

Downshifting to Second

Someone once told me that I use a lot of car-analogies. I find that they help explain abstracts to a confusing idea- like taking that slow turn so you don't spin out of control. I slipped that one in on purpose.

In anycase, the production goes on. This weekend, originally scheduled for a night shoot on a motel parking lot, is being used for some rehearsal time with our two leads, Laron and Katherine and a supporting actor, Chris Harvey. There are a few dramatic elements that I wanted to address in two totally different situations, plus it will be fun working with the actors to flesh out their characters. I'm excited, and I'm sure they are too.

An old friend of mine (who is a graphic design professor at a local college) asked if it would be okay for his students to design a poster/dvd/logo for our movie. He told me I didn't need to use any of it if I didn't want, but I said "Hey, you never know what some of these students can do!" I am covered on the graphic design end (being a professional and all), I'm not stingy- if somebody comes up with something that will knock my socks off, I'll probably use it. It's always great for a beginner's portfolio anyway. He had referred our fantastic Jennie Finlayson... so I always trust Josh.

Well, lots of work ahead. More as it comes in!

Writer/Director "Corner of the Mind's Eye"
Lost Skies Productions/Black Hawk Entertainment, Inc.

Production Update for 6-24-06

Three of our major scenes locations have been confirmed, a fourth location (for the largest scene) is in negotiations. A Production Schedule has been hammered out and will be distributed by email to cast and crew within a week.

Make-up tests and costume fittings are in the works for the lead characters.

Final Call-Backs for "Crowfoot" being planned. Details forthcoming.

And again, more more more production design!

Totally went to his head

We just received word that our Director of Photography Brett Stagg won the Gold Award for Promotional Animation at ProMax International! Congratulations Brett!

Casting and Pre-Production

Thank you to everyone who has auditioned. We are currently calling those we have cast into roles. The final cast will be announced soon.

Congratulations to Todd McGowan. Todd has just received a promotion from Production Assistant to the 1st Assistant Director for "Corner of the Mind's Eye".

A stunt choreographer has been found, costumes are being designed and put together, and we have a verbal agreement on our first major location.

It's been a very busy week!

Script Polishing and Casting

Hello all!

Life took over this week with other obligations. However, we have been reviewing tapes over, and over, and over again. We've whittled it down and are getting close to the final casting. I mentioned to everyone that it will be a few weeks, and we're half way through that :)

In the mean time, the script is being polished and scenes have been extended. More drama and more stunts. Some previous smaller non-speaking roles have gained some lines.

A quick reminder: We will have a large production meeting once everyone is cast. We have yet to schedule the date but it will tentatively be July 8th. Location to be determined.

Behind the Scenes

We've been burning the midnight oil, so to speak.
  • PROP WORK: Did you know it's a nono to use name brand products on screen without approval? Something about copyright infringement. So, take a look at Lost Skies brand of beer- Tijuana Ale! Mmmm mmmm! Fake beer never tasted so good.
  • AUDITIONS: We are currently negotiating Audition and Rehearsal space. Auditions will still be held on June 3rd. The location will be announced soon!
  • CREW: Get to know the crew. "Crew Offices" have been set up to showcase their talent and experience.
  • STAFF POSITION: Costume Designer/Tailor wanted, preferably an advanced student wanting exposure and experience. Professionals also welcome. Non-Paid. However, Lost Skies will cover the cost of materials. Email inquiries here.

It went to his head

Congratulations to "Corner of the Mind's Eye" Director of Photography Brett Stagg for winning the prestigious PROMAX International Award for Broadcast Television Station: Non-Promotional Animation. PROMAX 2006 Conference is June 20-22.

Not really sure if we're letting the cat out of the bag, but this is good stuff.

Date Change

The call back/open call audition date has been changed to Saturday, June 3rd due to scheduling conflicts. We will still contact the Call Back Participants by this weekend.

Apologies for the inconvenience!

Casting Call Notice

Again, a heart-felt thank you to everyone that showed up to our first Open Casting Call on May 6th.

Our Call Back session will take place on May 27th, tentatively 9am to 5pm. The location will be announced shortly. We will also contact each one of you privately no later than Saturday morning and provide you with sides. Please have the lines memorized.

Call-Back Notice for:
Yolanda Arrey
Kosuke Aoki
Gregory Augustin
Lisa Briggs
Christina Cooper
Linda Eyring
Marlys Fladeland
Mark Green
Doug Guibord
Kelly Hiatt
Roger Hurst
Jenna Lisonbee
Allison McGowan
Bjorn Millom
Nichelle Moe
Niki Pace
Walter Platz
David Rasmussen
Patrick Ritter
Katherine Taylor
Laron Wilson

We will be running a 2nd Open Casting Call simultaneously. If you missed the first Casting Call, this is your chance to audition.

Any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Call Back Notice

Again, a heart-felt thank you to everyone that showed up to our first Open Casting Call on May 6th.

Our Call Back session will take place on May 27th, tentatively 9am to 5pm. The location will be announced shortly. We will also contact each one of you privately no later than Saturday morning and provide you with sides. Please have the lines memorized.

Call-Back Notice for:
Yolanda Arrey
Kosuke Aoki
Gregory Augustin
Lisa Briggs
Christina Cooper
Linda Eyring
Marlys Fladeland
Mark Green
Doug Guibord
Kelly Hiatt
Roger Hurst
Jenna Lisonbee
Allison McGowan
Bjorn Millom
Nichelle Moe
Niki Pace
Walter Platz
David Rasmussen
Patrick Ritter
Katherine Taylor
Laron Wilson

We will be running a 2nd Open Casting Call simultaneously. If you missed the first Casting Call, this is your chance to audition.

Any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Mark Your Calendars!

We are planning Call-Backs and another open Casting Call on Saturday, May 27th, 9am-5pm. Location to be announced.

The Call Back list will be posted soon!


Sorry I haven't updated this for a while. It's been a busy month. As I said in the first post, we're currently working on a new short... it's about 30 minutes.

I met with our new Executive Producer a few weeks ago. He's excited about the project and really liked the story, but felt the dialogue was weak and some of the story points were a little lost. I agreed. Once I decided the protagonist was a widower (which added another character used in flashback) it changed the whole context of the story- for the better. Suddenly plot points had sufficient motivation from the character and it wasn't "forced".

So I've sent the script off to be read again. In the meantime, I've started compiling all my lists (props, actors, costumes, equipment, etc.) and hope to get auditions going next month.

Here's where the fun begins!